
torek, 31. julij 2012

Birthday Lilies and Butterflies Duo

Zadnje čase rada izdelujem kolekcije voščilnic. Tako sta nastali tudi zadnji dve, ki sem ju izdelala za tokratni "Flourishes - Bring Back Beautiful Challenge BBB24: The Beauty of Winged Things".

Lately I love to design collections of cards. And so also asembled the last two cards, that I made for this month's "Flourishes - Bring Back Beautiful Challenge BBB24: The Beauty of Winged Things".

Lilije so digitalna slikica, ki sem jo nekoliko preoblikovala in pobarvala z akvarelnimi svinčniki in waterbrushem. Sredino cvetov sem olepšala s Flower Softom. Napis je brezplačen digi od "Crafts Meow". Metuljčki so "JustRite - Botanical Butterflies" in "JustRite - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty". Dodala sem jim drobne kristalčke. Izdelala pa sem tudi notranjost voščilnice.

Lilies are digital image that I photoshoped a bit and colored it with aquarell pencils and waterbursh. In the centers of the flowers I added some Flower Soft. The sentiment is free digi stamp from "Crafts Meow". The butterflies are from "JustRite - Botanical Butterflies" and "JustRite - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty". I added some tiny gemstones. I also made the inside of the card.

Za konec pa še ena novost... ker je pri nas malo trgovinic z ustvarjalnim materialom, sem se zelo razveselila velikega koraka moje izjemno nadarjene soustvarjalke Marine, ki je odprla svojo spletno trgovinico z ustvarjalnim materialom. Najdete jo na spletnem naslovu Ima kar nekaj čudovitih izdelkov na zalogi.

And I wanted to share a news that I was so happy to hear... one of my very talented blogging friends Marina opened her online store with crafting goodies, that you can find on She has some gorgeous goddies in store for you.

Uživajte do naslednjič.

Have fun till next time.


nedelja, 29. julij 2012

Birds Birthday Collage Duo

Moram priznati, da se v kolažu še nisem preizkusila. Voščilnici, za kateri sem inspiracijo črpala iz tokratnega "CASE Study Challengea #101", katerega ustvarjalni navdih je še vedno nadarjena "Kristii Lockart - Sincerely Yours", sta prvi take vrste. Bilo je kar zabavno, tako da se jih bom gotovo še lotila v prihodnosti. Tole pa je moja kreacija: Izdelala sem tudi notranjost, ko je razvidno z druge in četrte fotografije...

I have to admit I never before engaged myself in a "collage" cards. Those two, for which the inspiration came from this week's "CASE Study Challenge #101", which is still inspired by the talented "Kristii Lockart - Sincerely Yours", are the firt of that kind. It was fun doing them so I will definatelly be back with some of the "collage cards" in the near future. And this is my today's creation: I did the inside too as you can see on the second and the fourth picture...

Uporabila sem papirje "K&Company - Best of Brenda Walton". Collage izrezki so iz kolekcije "The Winterbird Collection". Uporabila sem še nekaj kristalčkov in napise iz kolekcij "Botanical Butterflies" in "Violette Vintage Labels", ki sem jih odtisnila z rjavo barvo. Robovi so senčeni z distress črnilom Tima Holtza "Vintage Photo".

Papers are from "K&Company - Best of Brenda Walton". Collage images are from "The Winterbird Collection". I've used some pink gemstones and sentiments from JustRite collections "Botanical Butterflies" and "Violette Vintage Labels", which I stamped in brown. The edges are distressed with Tim Holtz's distress pad "Vintage Photo".

Vsem vam želim nadvse prijeten večer in uspešen začetek novega delovnega tedna. Pozdravček,

I wish to all of you a great evening and a successful start of a new working week. Blessings,


ponedeljek, 16. julij 2012

Sweet Birthday Wishes

V zadnjih nekaj dneh sem izdelala nekaj novih voščilnic, ki pa jih še nisem uspela objaviti. Prva je nastala za "The paper shelter DT call", z njihovimi čudovitimi digiji, ki sem jih kar nekaj časa občudovala, predno sem se nekaj mesecev nazaj opogumila in jih nekaj kupila. Tako so prisrčni in čudoviti za barvanje in ustvarjanje. Design team call je odprt do 20. julija, zato kar pogumno v akcijo. ;) Barvna paleta je iz tokratnega, jubilejnega "Color Throwdown Challengea #200". Čestitke! Tole pa je moj izdelek:

In the last few days I made some new cards that I didn't yet have the opportunity to share. The first one was made for "The Paper Shelter DT cal", with their gorgeous digis, which I for a long time longed for and finaly bought a couple of months ago. They are really cute and gorgeous and fun to work with. The DT call is open till 20th of july, so into the action you go! ;) The color palette is from this week's jubilee "Color Throwdown Challenge #200". Congratulations Ladies! :) You've done an amazing job and I am proud that I was able to be a part of some of your challenges. And this is my today's creation:

Ker je posebna objava za DT call ne bom pisala o podrobnostih izdelave voščilnice, ampak bom raje objavila povezave do nekaj mojih voščilnic, kjer so v ospredju barvani odtisi:

Since it is a special blog post for the DT call I won't put on the details about making a card, instead of it I will list some of the links to my cards with coloured images, so it would be easier to form a picture of my work in that field. Here they go:

1. Spring Swing
2. Love Birds
3. Birthday Picnic
4. Cherish You
5. 2 You
6. Love warms every nest
7. Hydrangea symphathy card
8. Peach Butterfly Birthday

Ostali izdelki pa so seveda dostopni pod starejšimi objavami na blogu. Uživajte v dnevu!

The rest of my work can be found on my blog. Enjoy the day!


sreda, 11. julij 2012

Love warms every nest

Še ena hitra objavica za danes. Inspiracija na "CASE Study Challengeu #98" s čudovito "Kristii Lockart" je bila enostavno preveč mamljiva. :)

One quick post for today. The inspiration on this week's "CASE Study Challenge #98" with amazing "Kristii Lockart" was just too tempting to let it pass by without me making a card. :)

Štampiljka je digi freebie. Žal se ne spomnim kje sem ga našla. Pobarvala sem jo z akvarelnimi barvicami in waterbrushem, izrezala in pritrdila s 3D blazinicami. Za ozadje sem uporabila srček "Anita's", ki sem ga odtisnila v modri barvi. Napis "Love" je iz kolekcije "JustRite - Shabby Chic Labels Four", napis spodaj "warms every nest" pa iz kolekcije "Crafty Secrets, Clear Art Stamps - Heartwarming Vintage collection". S štanco sem izrezljala še srček in ga s 3D blazinicami pritrdila poleg napisa. Robove sem osenčila z distress blazinicami "Vintage Photo, podlago popršila z misterjem "Antique Linen" in dodala še modro ozadje.

The image is digital freebie. Unfortunately I don't remember where did I get it from. I colored it with aquarel pencils and waterbrush, cut it out and attached it with 3D foam tape. For the background I used stamp from "Anita's", which I stamped in blue. The "Love" sentiment is from "JustRite - Shabby Chic Labels Four" collection, the bottom sentiment is from "Crafty Secrets, Clear Art Stamps - Heartwarming Vintage collection". I cut out a heart with a punch and attached it with 3D foam tape next to the sentiment. I distressed edges with "Vintage Photo and sprayed a base of the card with mister in "Antique Linen". I added a blue background.

Vsem skupaj želim en čudovit dan. Pozdravček.

I wish to all of you one great day tomorrow! Blessings.


torek, 3. julij 2012

Lady Medalion Birthday

Navadno mi je težavneje ustvarjati z močnejšimi barvami, raje imam nežnejše, pastelne odtenke. Kljub izrazitejši barvni paleti na tokratnem "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC138" je tako izpod mojih prstov prišla še ena nekoliko nežnejša voščilnica. Uporabila sem skico tokratnega "Mojo Monday Challenge 248".

I have to say I prefer creating with soft and pastel colors and despite the quite striking color palete this week over at "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC138" I couldn't avoid making another soft and tender piece. I used a sketch from this week's "Mojo Monday 248".

Za osnovo sem uporabila modro siv karton "Bazzill Basics Paper", ki sem ga po robovih natrgala, da sem dobila nekoliko bolj "Shabby Chic" videz. Nanj sem pritrdila papir z oranžno-rdečim vzorcem iz kolekcije "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic". Po sredini sem dodala belo čipko, ki sem jo zgoraj zavezala v pentljo in dodala roza vrtnico iz kolekcije "Little Birdie - Handmade Boutique Elements". Za osrednji element sem uporabila roza medaljonček "La Fourmi - Beads & Perles", kovinski okvirček za medaljonček, ki sem ga pobarvala z belo barvo in posula z belimi bleščicami ter okrasila z oranžnimi in rdečimi kristalčki ter štampiljke "JustRite - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty" in spelbinderjeve šablone "Labels Twenty". Zgornji okvirček ima podlago iz belega papirja posutega z bleščicami in embosiranega kartona.

I used grey-blue cardstock from ""Bazzill Basics Paper" for the base of the card and I cut and distressed it on the edges to give them more "shabby chic" look. Over it I attached the paper with orange and red pattern from the "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic" collection. I added white lace along the base and made a bow on top. I also added a pink flower from "Little Birdie - Handmade Boutique Elements". For the main motif of the card I used pink lady medalion from "La Fourmi - Beads & Perles", a metal frame for the medalion which I colored with white and added some glitter on it. I also decorated it with orange and red gemstones. I decorated it with "JustRite stamps - Fleur De Lis Labels Twenty" and "Spellbinders Nestabilities - Labels Twenty". The top layer is made from white background paper with glitter and from white embossed cardstock on top of it.

Imejte se lepo in uživajte v vročem poletju. :)

Have fun and enjoy the hot summertime. :)
