ponedeljek, 16. julij 2012
Sweet Birthday Wishes
V zadnjih nekaj dneh sem izdelala nekaj novih voščilnic, ki pa jih še nisem uspela objaviti. Prva je nastala za "The paper shelter DT call", z njihovimi čudovitimi digiji, ki sem jih kar nekaj časa občudovala, predno sem se nekaj mesecev nazaj opogumila in jih nekaj kupila. Tako so prisrčni in čudoviti za barvanje in ustvarjanje. Design team call je odprt do 20. julija, zato kar pogumno v akcijo. ;) Barvna paleta je iz tokratnega, jubilejnega "Color Throwdown Challengea #200". Čestitke! Tole pa je moj izdelek:
In the last few days I made some new cards that I didn't yet have the opportunity to share. The first one was made for "The Paper Shelter DT cal", with their gorgeous digis, which I for a long time longed for and finaly bought a couple of months ago. They are really cute and gorgeous and fun to work with. The DT call is open till 20th of july, so into the action you go! ;) The color palette is from this week's jubilee "Color Throwdown Challenge #200". Congratulations Ladies! :) You've done an amazing job and I am proud that I was able to be a part of some of your challenges. And this is my today's creation:
Ker je posebna objava za DT call ne bom pisala o podrobnostih izdelave voščilnice, ampak bom raje objavila povezave do nekaj mojih voščilnic, kjer so v ospredju barvani odtisi:
Since it is a special blog post for the DT call I won't put on the details about making a card, instead of it I will list some of the links to my cards with coloured images, so it would be easier to form a picture of my work in that field. Here they go:
1. Spring Swing
2. Love Birds
3. Birthday Picnic
4. Cherish You
5. 2 You
6. Love warms every nest
7. Hydrangea symphathy card
8. Peach Butterfly Birthday
Ostali izdelki pa so seveda dostopni pod starejšimi objavami na blogu. Uživajte v dnevu!
The rest of my work can be found on my blog. Enjoy the day!
What a great way to help us celebrate! This is such a fun card! I'm so glad you could join in our CTD200 festivities!
OdgovoriIzbrišiEver so cute, Aleksandra! Such a darling image, and I LOVE that bright, bold, happy sentiment to pieces!
OdgovoriIzbrišiThanks for the post. I had been looking for something related and found your web site in the process.I will definitely be back for more.