
sreda, 22. avgust 2012

Gift Collection Eau De Cologne De France - Roses

En lep pozdravček vsem po nekoliko daljšem času. :) Pri nas sije sonček, otroci prekipevajo od energije in kmalu se začenja novo leto v vrtcu, tokrat tudi za mlajšo hčerko. Obetajo se nam kar pestri dnevi in izkoriščanje zadnjih dopustniških dni. Kljub temu pa skušam najti čas za svoje delovne obveznosti, sem in tja pa se prikrade tudi kakšna prosta urica za ustvarjanje "kar tako". V eni od takih sem ustvarila tudi tale darilni kompletek s parfumčkom in voščilnico, inspiracija pa je bil tokratni "JustRite Friday Challenge #079: Opposites Attract" in "Sketchbook Saturday Challenge #47". Za nasprotni barvi v barvnem kolesu sem uporabila roza in zeleno, dodala pa sem še rumeno-oranžno, ki je v barvnem krogu v tretjem kraku izbranega barvnega trikotnika. Rada ustvarjam za JustRite izzive, velikokrat iz njihove inspiracije nastanejo nove ideje, zadnje čase pa mi navadno zmanjka časa, da bi svoje izdelke tudi objavila. Zato sem si tokrat obljubila, da temu ne bo tako. Spodaj je tako moj izdelek, ki je nastal na podlagi tokratne inspiracije:

One beautiful hello to all of you after a little bit longer time. :) We have a lot of sunshine, my kids are bursting with energy and soon we are starting a new year in our kindergarten. This year our youngest little princess will be joining in the fun too. So... we have some interesting days ahead and some of last minute summer fun to do. Still I am trying to squeeze in some time for crafting to do fullfil my obligations and also some crafting moments "just for fun". And so I managed to create this gift assemble with a card and a perfume, for which the inspiration was this week's "JustRite Friday Challenge #079: Opposites Attract" and the "Sketchbook Saturday Challenge #47". For the opposite colors in the color wheel I used hot pink and green and I also added some yellow-orange which is in the third corner of a color triangle in the color wheel. I love to create for JustRite challenges, they are my big inspiration but unfortunately lately I ran out of time to publish my creations. So I have a few still stuck in my drawer, maybe they will get their second chance. ;) But this time I promised to myself not to ran out of time, so here is my "piece of art" for this week's challenge:

Tale post je poln fotografija... :) Papirji so "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "Bo Bunny" in "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cottage Garden". Štampiljke so "JustRite Cling - Shabby Chic Labels Four". Rožice so od "Prime". Uporabila pa sem še nekaj čipkastega traku, nekaj perl in nekaj biserčkov, da sem malo popestrila izdelek. Šivi so ročno šivani... žal še vedno nimam svojega šivalnega stroja. :(

Picture heavy post this time... :) Papers are from "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "Bo Bunny" and "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cottage Garden". Stamps are "JustRite Cling - Shabby Chic Labels Four". Flowers are from "Prima". I used some lace and some perls and gemstones to add some bling. And those stitches are handstitched... I unfortunately still don't own a sewing machine. :(

Mislim, da je to to za danes. Se vidimo do naslednjič, do takrat pa čudovite zadnje avgustovske dni in obilo božjega blagoslova.

I think this is it for today. See you next time, till then I wish you gorgeous last days of summer august and a lot of blessings.


7 komentarjev:

  1. Pogrešala sem te že :)
    Po daljšem času si se oglasila z elegantnim kompletom. Čudovita škatlica in super ideja za kakšen parfum ali drugo malenkost.

  2. Oh my word, but this is just amazing!! Such a beautiful gift, whoever receives it will be on cloud nine :)

  3. GORGEOUS card and decorated gift box -- WOW -- I'd love to receive something so nice as your gift set!!! Your hand stitching is FABULOUS!!!
    Hope you little one LOVES K-garten!!!

  4. This is GORGEOUS! What a unique gift idea! Thanks for joining us at JustRite Inspiration ;-)

  5. Beautiful card and gift box Aleksandra, I love all the details, just fab!

  6. OMGOSH this is beautiful! I'm looking through all your entries and your work is stunning :D Love your style... which is something I've tried to attempt and made a fool out of myself :P Nonetheless, lots of inspiration!

  7. Naravnost čudovit kompletek=) Kar imelo me je, da bi se prežarčila v računalnik si si ga sposodila=)


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