
sobota, 2. januar 2016

Walking in the Winter Wonderland

A lot of snowy little boxes I made during this Holiday season. This snowy winter scene with a deer family which was another variation of some of my older ones, was a gift for family friends and inside of it there were some sweet bites. They were so very happy to receiving them. And may I take this opportunity to wish all of you, my dear blogofriends, a Happy New Year 2016, may all your wishes come true in this season!

Kar nekaj zasneženih darilnih škatlic je nastalo v letošnjem letu. Zasnežena zimska pokrajina z jelenjo družinico, ki je v eni izmed različic ponovno nastala v zadnjih dneh starega leta, je skrivala sladka darilca za naše prijatelje. Ob tej priložnosti naj tudi vsem vam, ki me spremljate na mojem ustvarjalnem blogu zaželim Srečno in vse dobro v letu 2016, ki je pred nami. Naj bo to vaše leto in naj se vam uresničijo vse skrite in manj skrite želje.

Challenges: The Shabby Tea Room: Winter Wonderland

5 komentarjev:

  1. Draga Aleksandra, želim ti vse lepo in dobro v letu 2016 in še mnogo tako čudovitih kreacij.

  2. Wow Aleksandra, what a gorgeous set of boxes! I love the frosty blues and whites, and all that stunning glitter makes for an icy winter wonderland scene! I can almost hear the footsteps of the deer as they walk through the snow! Love these!! Thank you so much for your sweet comment on my blog, I send wishes to you for a Happy Happy New Year! hugs :)

  3. Gorgeous!!! Love the scenery. Thanks for joining us this week with the shabby tea room.

  4. Pravljične škatlice. Hvala in vse dobro, lepo in ustvarjalno tudi tebi.

  5. Aleksandra, zelo lepe škatlice. Izdelane natančno in z veliko občutka za podrobnosti.
    Ustvarjalno in vse dobro v letu 2016!


Your comments make my day! <3