
četrtek, 5. oktober 2017

"The story of a butterfly" mixed media canvas

Hi my dear friends... I decided to join special "edition" of a Mixed media and art challenges - Joint project Stage 1 "Mechanical explosion", where we were challenged to use Metal material not from scrapbooking and wings in any form. I got this idea to alter a scissors and when thinking what to combine them with that would have wings I remembered the story I once heard - The story of a butterfly.

It goes somewhat like this:
A man found a cocoon of a butterfly. One day a small opening appeared. He sat and watched the butterfly for several hours as it struggled to squeeze its body through the tiny hole. Then it stopped as if it couldn't go further. So the man decided to help the butterfly. He took a pair of scissors and snipped off the remaining bits of cocoon. The butterfly emerged easily, but it had a swollen body and shriveled wings. The man continued to watch it, expecting that any minute the wings would enlarge and expand enough to support the body. Neither happened! The butterfly spent the rest of its life crawling around, never beeing able to fly. What the man in his kindness and haste didn't understand is that the restricting cocoon and the struggle required by the butterfly to squeeze through was a way of forcing the fluid from the body into the wings so that it would be ready for flight. Sometimes struggles are exactly what we need in our lives. Going through life without obstacles would cripple us. We would not be as strong as we could have been and we would never spread our wings and fly.

So this is the story I tried to capture in my art piece. Hope you'll like my interpretation. There is also a video tutorial available on my youtube channel if you'd like to see it. :)

Mixed media & Art: Stage 1 - Mechanical explosion

Enjoy the day and have fun!

8 komentarjev:

  1. Love it 💙 Love it 💛 Tako mi je všeč, da si jo bom naredila še sama za svoj atelje. Zanimivost je namreč, da smo vse že od babice, mame, sestre,nečakinje...nadarjene za šivanje. Love it 💖

  2. Čudovit metulj. Krasno si uporabila škarje.
    Lp Tamara

  3. What a wonderful project and such a serious story behind it! I love it when people put a meaning into their art!

  4. fairy....what an inspiration and I loved the story behind this creation and the way you put things in place!!.......I'm totally in love with everything you create!! ((HUGS))!!XOXO Love U!!

  5. This project is absolutely wonderful !

  6. Absolutely stunning project. Just love the patina on the scissors.

    Thank you for joining the challenge over Mixed Media & Art!
    Hug Katja

  7. I love every detail, it's just a miracle!!! You're incredible! Wow Wow wow
    Thank you for joining the challenge over Mixed Media & Art!

    1. Aaaaawww.... thank you so so so much my dear Olya! YOu are so sweet! Big hugs to you girl! <3 <3 <3


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