
sreda, 20. marec 2019

"Look for the Magic and Find Yourself" Altered Handmirror for Finnabair Art Recipe Challenge

Today we have for you a little surprise :) Have you ever wished that Finnabair Art Recipe series published originally on Prima Marketing blog would be such, that you could take a part in? I have always found them so inspiring. So today I'm so so happy to share with you the amazing news that they've become a regular monthly challenge available on Finnabair blog :) And today we have the very first Art Recipe challenge! Isn't it exciting?! 

The rules are simple. Each challenge consists of colour palette and products. You need to stick to the colour pallete and use all products listed in a challenge.

Colours of March Art Recipe:vintage shades of gold, rusty, brown with pinks and greens

Products:Art Basics: Clear Gesso
Art Alchemy - Metallique Waxes
Art Ingredients - Mini Art Stones
Art Extravagance - Icing Paste

If the products on your project are not easy to recognize, please add in description information, where exactly we can see them. Challenge is open till Apil, 19th. The winner will  be invited to be Guest Designer on Finnabair blog. How exciting right?!

When I was not yet part of this amazing Creative team I used to do "oooh's" and "aaaah's" each time I saw new Art Recipes published. I often went to the older Art Recipes for the inspiration. I love to take part in monthly Art Recipes and I'm sure this challenges will inspire you all so much! Can't wait to see your beautiful creations! So as you can see, this month we are playing with clear gesso, mini art stones, metallique waxes and icing pastes and we are creating in Vintage style and color scheme. So I decided to go all Vintage. I altered an old, empty tin left from my paints in tubes and I've hidden an altered Vintage handmirror inside. I used shades of light brown, gold and rose gold. For giving a bit extra interes to my tin I dressed it into new Finnabair Decorative tissue paper. I hope you'll like my project and be inspired by it! 

Here is the list of supplies used:

Hope you had fun joining me and I hope to see your beautiful creations in this month's challenge over on the Finnabair blog.

Enjoy your day!
Hugs, Aleksandra

1 komentar:

  1. I am swooning over this, you are talented in making everything. I need to get more Finnabair items as you have inspired me to make something today! I love your work, have a fabulous day my friend!!!


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