sobota, 26. februar 2011
"Cheese Mouse" - House Mouse Challenge št. 89
Tale izziv "Hišne miške" sem kar nekaj časa odlagala. Ni bilo nobene ideje. Potem pa se je utrnila zamisel in počasi se je porajalo vse več dobrih idej. Izziv je bil izdelati voščilnico z najljubšo "Hišno miško". Izbrala sem miško, ki piha svečko, ki stoji na rezinah sira. Podoba mi je zares prisrčna. Izdelala sem rojstnodnevno voščilnico v kombinaciji modre in rumene barve. Skozi celo voščilnico sem skušala upodobiti koncept "sira in njegovih lukenj". Tako sem izbrala rumeno ozadje z belimi krogi, robove sem popestrila z luknjicami in jih osenčila z distress blazinicami v rumenem odtenku. Vključila sem voščilo: "Happy Birthday", ki je napisano s "cheesy" fontom. Iz fimo mase sem naredila rezinico sira, jo pobarvala in jo pritrdila k napisu.
I have postponed this "House Mouse" challenge for quite some time. I had no idea but once I got one, there was no end to it. I feel I have made a pretty god job. The challenge was to make a card with your favourite House Mouse stamp. I chose a mouse that is blowing the candle which stands on a top of cheese slices. I found the image particularly cute. So I made a birthday card in a combination of blue and yellow. I tried to capture the concept of cheese and its holes through the whole card. So I chosed a yellow background with with circles, I enriched edges with small holes and shaded them with yellow distress ink pad. I included the saying: "Happy Birthday", which is made with "cheesy" font. I made a slice of cheese from Fimo, colored it and attached it to the saying.
V notranjosti sem naredila odtis miške s svečko - seveda brez sira, ki ga je medtem že pojedla. Pobarvala sem ga z akvarelnimi svinčniki in osenčila z distress blazinicami. Robove sem okrasila z luknjicami in osenčila z distressom v rumeni barvi.
In the inside of the card I made an imprint of the mouse with a candle - of course withouth a cheese that she allready ate. I painted the imprint with watercolor pencils and shaded it with distress ink pads. I enriched the edges with small holes and shaded them with yellow distress ink.
I realy enjoyed making the card and I hope you will like it. Have a nice day and see ya.
četrtek, 24. februar 2011
"Say it with Flowers" - Penny Black at Allsorts February Challenge
Ravno za rep sem še ujela februarski izziv bloga "Penny Black at Allsorts". Tema izziva je bila "Say it with Flowers", osrednji motiv pa je moral biti iz kolekcije Penny Black. Izdelala sem voščilnico v kombinaciji roza, bele in sive barve, z odtisom motiva muce z vrtnicami, ki sem ga pobarvala z akvarelnimi svinčniki in osenčila z distress blazinicami. Dodala sem verz: "The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart." Voščilnico sem olepšala z nekaj roza biserčki in dvema roza vrtnicama.
I barely caught the february challenge at "Penny Black at Allsorts", which runs out in a few ours. The theme of the challenge was "Say it with flowers" and the condition was to use Penny Black product as the main element of the card. I created a card in a combination of pink, white and gray color. I used the Penny Black stamp with a cat and roses and I colored the imprint with watercolor pencils and shaded it with distress ink pads. I aded a saying: "The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart." I enriched the card with tiny pink perls and two pink roses.
Notranjost voščilnice sem olepšala z odtisom posameznih cvetov vrtnice v vsakem kotu, robove pa sem osenčila z distress tehniko.
In the inside of the card I did an imprint of roses in each of the corners and I shaded the edges with distress ink pads.
"If friends were flowers..." - Less is More Challenge drugič
Ker lahko v izzivu "Less is More" sodeluješ večkrat, le da je to z različnimi izdelki, sem izkoristila še drugo idejo, ki se mi je porodila ob izdelovanju prve voščilnice. Izdelala sem voščilnico za prijateljico v kombinaciji bele in roza barve. Uporabila sem digitalno štampiljko s spletne strani Motivet - podobo mucke, ki v gobčku drži cvetlico, ki jo je izpulila iz zemlje. Odtis je pobarvan z akvareli in osenčen z distress blazinicami. Na voščilnico sem motiv pritrdila s 3D blazinicami. V ozadju sem odtisnila drobne rožice, ki sem jih pobarvala z roza barvo. Vključila sem tudi verz: "If friends were flowers, I'd pick you!"
Since you can take part several times in the challenge "Less is More", only each time with a different card, I took adventage of yet another idea that came to my mind during the creation of the first one. So I made a card for a friend in a combination of white and pink color. I used a digital stamp design from web page Motivet - the image of a kitten that holds a flower in her mouth, which she pull out of the grass. I painted the imprint with watercolor pencils and shaded it with distress ink pads. I attached the design on the card with 3D pads. On the background I stamped small flowers and colored them in pink with watrcolor pencils. I included the saying: "If friends were flowers, I'd pick you!"
V notranjosti voščilnice sem ponovila vzorec z drobnimi cvetlicami, pobarvanimi z roza barvo, ki sem ga umestila v zgornji desni kot voščilnice.
In the inside of the card I repeated the pattern with small pink shaded flowers that I put in the upper right corner of the greeting card.
Spring Birthday - Less is More Challenge
Preproste voščilnice z malo elementi so bile, moram priznati, vedno moja šibka točka. Ravno zato mi je blogovski izziv "Less is More" toliko bolj privlačen. Morda mi bo pomagal zapolniti vrzel.
Tokratna tema izziva je bila "pomlad". Izdelala sem voščilnico v belo-zeleni kombinaciji. Uporabila sem štampiljko Penny Black "Good News" z dvema ježkoma, ki se igrata na trati posejani z rožicami, okoli njiju pa letajo čebelice. Odtis je pobarvan z akvareli in osenčen z distressi. Vključila sem tudi čestitko: "It's your spring birthday! Be happy, be joyful, spoil jourself. Enjoy your day!" Tudi čestitka je okrašena z dvema drobnima čebelicama.
Simple greetings with only few elements were, I must admit, always my weak point. That's why I found the challenge "Less is More" even more appealing.
The theme of this week's challenge was the "spring". I made a card in white and green color combination. I used Penny Black stamp "Good news" with two hedgehogs, playing on a green field with blooming flowers, and two little bees flying around them. The imprint is painted with watercolors and shaded with distress ink pads. I also included a saying: "It's your spring birthday! Be happy, be joyful, spoil jourself. Enjoy your day!" I also put two little bees around the saying.
Notranjost voščilnice sem okrasila s štirimi čebelicami v zgornjem desnem kotu voščilnice.
In the inside of the card I put four little bees in the upper right corner of the card.
petek, 18. februar 2011
A piece of my heart
Ker sem ravno v elementu in ker je moja starejša hčerkica v varstvu in imam malo več prostega časa, sem si danes dala duška pri ustvarjanju. Tokrat predstavljam poročno kolekcijo "A piece of my heart".
Since I was just in the element and my older daughter is staying with her grandparents, giving me a little extra time, I decided to create just a bit more today. This time I am presenting you a wedding collection "A piece of my heart".
Tudi tokrat sem uporabila štampiljko moje priljubljene Penny Black, z motivom dveh ježkov, pri čemer eden drži v rokah srce, ki mu manjka košček, drugi pa manjkajoči košček srčne sestavljanke. Odtis je pobarvan z akvarelnimi svinčniki in osenčen z distress blazinicami v barvnih odtenkih "Fired Brick", "Victorian Velvet" in "Antique Linen". Kolekcija je izdelana v kombinaciji rdeče, roza in bele barve. V ozadje so iztisnjeni posamezni koščki sestavljanke, ki sem jih popestrila z drobnimi biserčki.
Again I used one of my favorite stamps - Penny Black, the design of two hedgehogs, where one holds a heart that lacks a bit, and the other missing piece of a heart puzzle. The imprint is painted with watercolor pencils and shaded with distress ink pads in shades of "Fired Brick", "Victorian Velvet" and "Antique Linen". The collection is designed in a combination of red, pink and white. In the background paper are squeezed puzzle pieces, that I have enriched with tiny pearls.
V notranjosti vabila in zahvale so na levi strani posamezni koščki sestavljanke v katerih so odtisnjene posamezne besede iz besedne zveze "a piece of my heart", na desni strani pa v levem zgornjem kotu ježek s srcem in v desnem spodnjem ježek z manjkajočim delom srčne sestavljanke.
In the inside of the invitation and thank you card there are pieces of the puzzle in which there are imprinted individual words of the phrase "a piece of my heart" on the left side of the card and a hedgehog with a heart in a left top corner and a hedgehog with a missing piece in a right bottom corner of the right side of the card.
Kolekcija "A piece of my heart" lahko vsebuje vabilo, jedilni list, imenske kartice, zahvalo, konfet in scrapbook album, knjigo gostov, podobo za na torto, po želji pa tudi karkoli dodatnega, na kar se da odtisniti motiv. Predstavljam fotografije nekaterih osnovnih delov papirne kolekcije.
Collection "A piece of my heart" contains invitation, menu card, name tags, thank you card, little gifts for the guests, scrapbook album, guestbook, image for the cake and any other desired product on which stamp can be used. Bellow I present some photos of some of the basic elements of the paper collection "A piece of my heart".
četrtek, 17. februar 2011
Pretty in Blue :)
V prejšnji objavi sem predstavila voščilnico za punčke, da pa fantki in predvsem njihove mamice ne bodo prikrajšani, sem se odločila še za izdelavo modre različice. Postopek izdelave je enak, uporabljeni so ponekod malenkost drugačni materiali, namesto distress blazinice odtenka "Victorian Velvet" pa sem uporabila odtenek "Faded Jeans". Spodaj predstavljam fotografiji zunanjosti in notranjosti voščilnice.
In previous post I presented a greeting card for girls, but so the boys and especially their moms won't be disappointed, I also prepared the blue version of a card. The proces of making a card is the same, using slightly different materials and also istead of distress ink pad in shade of "Victorian Velvet" I used shade of "Faded Jeans". Below are the images of the front and the inside of the card.
sreda, 16. februar 2011
Pretty in Pink - Penny Black Saturday Challenge... Week 138
Pozdravček vsem. Za svoj prvi post objavljam fotografijo voščilnice, ki sem jo izdelala za blogovski izziv Penny Black Saturday Challenge. Tema tokratnega izziva je bila Pretty in Pink, pogoj pa je seveda, da uporabiš enega izmed izdelkov Penny Black. Pri povsem novi prisrčni štampiljki z ježkom, ki visi v mreži, razpeti med dvema cvetlicama, odločitev res ni bila težka. Odločila sem se za voščilnico za novorojeno deklico.
Hello everyone. For my first blog post I post a photo of a greeting card that I have made for Penny Black Saturday Challenge - Week 138. The theme of this week's challenge was Pretty in Pink and the only condition to fulfill was to use one of Penny Black products. The decision what to make was not hard at all, since I have a brand new Penny Black stamp with a cute hedgehog, hanging in a net between two flowers. I decided on a card for a newborn baby girl.
Odtis je pobarvan z watercolor barvicami in osenčen z distress blazinicami Tima Holza. Uporabila sem odtenke: Victorian Velvet (za senčenje roza predelov), Antique Linen (za stopala, rokice in obraz ježka), Peeled Paint (za senčenje zelenih predelov), Mustard Seed (za senčenje centra rožic in čebelice), Spiced Marmelade (prav tako za senčenje centra rožic) in faded jeans (za krilca čebelice). Voščilnico sem popestrila z gumbki in biserčki, ki voščilnici dodajo igrivost in s pesmico "o punčkah" v angleškem jeziku, katere začetna verza sta napisana na sprednji strani, preostali pa v notranjosti voščilnice.
The stamped image is colored with watercolor crayons and shaded by Tim Holz distress pads. I used shades: Victorian Velvet (pink shaded zones), Antique Linen (for foots, hands and face of an hedgehog), Peeled Paint (green shaded zones), Mustard Seed (for shading centers of flowers and a bee), Spiced Marmelade (also for shading flower's centers) and Faded Jeans (for the bee's wings). I enriched card with cute pink buttons and pink pearls, which add playfulness to the card, and with english song "about girls", of which the initial verses are written on the front of the card and the remaining part of the song is written inside of the greeting.
Notranjost voščilnice krasi odtis ježka, ki v rokah drži srce, prav tako iz kolekcije Penny Black, pobarvan v enakih odtenkih. Robove sem osenčila z distress blazinicami v odtenkih Victorian Velvet in Peeled Paint in za malo igrivosti dodala štiri roza biserčke, vsakega v svoj kot voščilnice. Zraven sem izdelala tudi pripadajočo kuverto z odtisom enakega motiva kot v notranjosti voščilnice.
The interior of the greeting is decorated with another image from a collection of Penny Black's cute stamps, a hedgehog, which carries a heart. The image is colored in same shades as the one on the front of the card. The edges are shaded with Distress ink pads in shades of Victorian Velvet and Peeled Paint. For playfulness of the card I added four pink pearls on the edges. I have also created envelope to match, with a same image as in the inside of the card.
Izziv si lahko ogledate na:
You can access this and other Penny Black Challenges at: