Zadnje čase težko in redko najdem čas za objavljanje na blogu. A od časa do časa mi le uspe skupaj združiti ustvarjanje po naročilu in ustvarjanje za zabavo. Eden od takih projektov je bil darilni kompletek, ki sem ga naredila danes. Inspiracijo sem našla v tokratnem "The Play Date Cafe - PDCC173". In nastalo je tole:
It's hard for me to find some time latelly to publish on my blog. But from time to time I still manage to join both orders and creating for fun in the same tasks. One of them was the gift set I created today. I found the inspiration over at this week's "The Play Date Cafe - PDCC173". And this is the gift set that I've made:
Metuljčki so "Inchiji" od Inkadinkadoja, verz pa je iz čudovitega seta "Flourishes - Hearts&Flowers". Metuljčki so pobarvani z akvarelnimi barvicami in vodnim čopičem. Za nakit sem uporabila skrčljivo folijo. Upam, da vam je kompletek všeč. Vesela bom vaših komentarjev! :)
Butterflies are Inchies from Inkadinkado, the sentiment is from a gorgeous stamp set "Flourishes - Hearts&Flowers". The butterflies are colored with aquarel pencils and aquabrush. I used shrink plastic for the jewellry. Hope you like it. I will be happy to read your comments! :)