Zadnje dni nastaja kar nekaj novih izdelkov, saj se intenzivno pripravljam na prodajno-razstavne sejme v mesecu maju. Tokrat je nastala voščilnica po foto in barvni shemi izziva na blogu The Play Date Cafe.
I am making quite some new cards lately, due to intensive preparation to sales-exhibition craft fairs in may. This time I made a card for this weeks The Play Date Cafe challenge.
Malo sem sem poigrala z bleščicami. Že celo večnost jih imam na polički a so me zamikale šele potem, ko sem videla čudovite pobleščičene izdelke nadarjene Erum - E.T. Ustavite se še na njenem blogu Vibgyor krafts in ji pustite kakšno lepo sporočilce. Gotovo ga bo vesela.
I played a little with my glitter. I have loads of it in my crafting supplies but haven't felt the desire to use them until I saw a gorgeous use of it by Erum - E.T. She does an amazing job. Stop by her blog Vibgyor krafts and leave her some love.
Uživajte v dnevu, jaz pa se vrnem še s kakšno novostjo v tem dnevu.
Have an amazing day! I'll be back with some more creations later on.
Hugs, Aleksandra
Voščilnica je res krasna, všeč mi je lepo ozadje. lp
OdgovoriIzbrišiČudovito ozadje, zelo lepa je.
Aleksandra what a perfect card! I absolutely LOVE what have done to your background and thanks for the shout out! Absolutely gorgeous!
This is beautiful! I think the magenta glitter is perfect for this color splash challenge. So glad you could join us for the Play Date Cafe Challenge!