petek, 22. julij 2011

Circles here, circles there, circles everywhere ...

Uf... Dolgo je že od mojega zadnjega posta. Moram priznati, da imam malo slabe vesti, ampak v tem času je bilo kar nekaj sprememb doma, selitev in ogromno vsega. To sicer ne pomeni, da v tem času nisem nič ustvarjala, so pa bili moji ustvarjalni trenutki zapolnjeni z izpolnjevanjem naročil - čez smo dali nekaj večjih porok in rojstnodnevnih zabav. Bloge sem kljub temu redno spremljala, predvsem ustvarjalke na izzivu "Less is more", ki mi je, moram priznati, kar prirasel k srcu. Vesela sem, da sem za tokratni izziv končno tudi sama ponovno uspela pripraviti voščilnico, ki že lepo počiva v škatli, skupaj s preostalimi in čaka na svojo priložnost, da odpotuje k izbrancu ali izbranki.

Well... there's been quite a long time since my last post on the blog. I have to admit, I am feeling a little bit ashamed about that, but there were a few changes in my family, including moving to the new - temporary home, building a house and so on. That doesen't mean that I did not create at all, but my creative moments were mostly filled with completing the orders i received - during this time I have made invitations menus, name tags and so on for a few major weddings and birthday celebrations. Nevertheless I have regularly followed the blogs, especially beautiful creations of LIM ladies on "Less is more" challenge blog. I am really happy for the fact that I was finally also able again to make a greeting for this week's challenge, which by the way is allready waiting in a box with some other cards to be sent to the "choosen one".

Tema tokratnega izziva na "Less is more" so bili krogi - "Circles". Ideja je hitro padla, voščilnica sledila kmalu zatem, šele danes pa sem našla čas, da svoje ustvarjanje tudi objavim na blogu. Za voščilnico sem uporabila belo ozadje z embosiranimi belimi krogci, nanj pritrdila na levo polovico reciklirano rjavo podlago, ki ima po robu izsekane krogce, nanjo pa zeleno ozadje z belimi krogci.

This week's challenge on "Less is more" were "Circles". The idea was quickly born and the greeting followed shortly afterwards, but only today I finally had the time to post it on the blog. For the card I used white background with small embossed circles - dots to be exact. On the left half of it I attached recycled brown base with small circles along the edge, and on top of it a green background with small white circles.

Osrednji motiv - motiv metulja je prav tako zapolnjen s krogci. Odtisnila sem ga z olivno zelenim embossing prahom na belo okroglo podlago, izrezano z nestiji. Na mesto glavice sem mu pritrdila zelen okrogel razcepek. Še ena slikica od blizu.

The main motif - a butterfly is also filled with circles. I made an imprint with olive green embossing powder on a white circle cut out with nesties. I distressed the edges with "Peeled Paint". On the head of the butterfly I attached a small green circle-shaped pin. I enclose another closeup picture of the card.

Moja prva voščilnica po dolgem času. Upam, da vam je všeč in da bo kmalu sledila kakšna nova. Uživajte na ta lep sončni poletni dan. :)

This was my first greeting after a loooong time. I hope you like it and hopefully it will be followed soon by another one. Enjoy on this beautiful sunny summer day. :)
