torek, 26. februar 2013

May all your wishes come true

Ena kratka objavica za danes. Malo sem v gužvi zadnje čase, a sem še uspela stisniti v današnji dan voščilnico, za katero sem navdih črpala v tokratnem izzivu na blogu "The Play Date Cafe PDCC170".

One very short post for today. I am a little bit in a hurry in the last days (or should I say weeks) but I somehow managed to squize in some time for the card I made after this week's color inspiration over at "The Play Date Cafe PDCC170".

Zdaj pa šibam k počitku. Zadnje čase me razne pljučnice in prehladi kar ne pustijo na miru in ko sem že mislila, da sem jih premagala, so se me danes ponovno lotili. Počitek bo dobro del, saj je za mano naporen dan. Želim vam mirno noč in čudovit jutrišnji dan.

Going to get some rest now. Lately I've been catching quite some colds and even pneumonia. They just won't leave me alone and when I finaly thought that I got rid of them, here they are, back again today. I could use some rest and it has been a long and busy day for me today. I wish you all a peaceful night and a gorgeous day tommorrow.
