torek, 3. september 2013

A Gift Collection and JustRite Friday Challenge #104

Zadnje čase ni bilo mnogo priložnosti za nove izzive, čeprav zelo rada ustvarjam zanje. Mnogo časa je minilo od mojega zadnjega JustRite petkovega izziva. Redno sem jih spremljala in pri sebi načrtovala projekte, a nikoli našla časa, da bi načrte uresničila. Danes pa mi je končno uspelo, saj sem morala izdelati darilno kolekcijo za naročilo in uporabila sem skico zadnjega izziva "JustRite Friday Challenge #104". Nastal je tale kompletek:

Lately there hasn't been much time for challenges, although I must admit I love creating for them. It has been a long long time since my last JustRite Friday Challenge. I have been checking on them regularly and planning what to make but never found a time to make my plans come true. But today I managed to squezze in some time, since I had to make an order anyway and used the sketch from the latest "JustRite Friday Challenge #104". And this is what I've made:

Uporabila sem rožice iz že "upokojenega" JustRite seta "Plant a Little Love", metuljčka iz seta "Botanical Butterflies" in napis iz seta "Shabby-Chic Labels Four".

I've used the flowers from already retired JustRite set "Plant a Little Love", butterfly from set "Botanical Butterflies" and a sentiment from set "Shabby-Chic Labels Four".

Upam, da vam bo moj novi kompletek všečen. Uživajte v preostanku dneva.

Hope You'll like my new gift set. Enjoy the rest of the day!
