četrtek, 6. december 2012
Nagrajenke prvega slovenskega BLOG HOPA :)
Mislim, da sem še nekaj dolžna, in sicer objavo nagrajenk prvega slovenskega blog hopa :). Najprej iz srca hvala vsem, ki ste se nam pridružile in seveda hvala vsem, ki ste na naših blogih pustile tako čudovite pohvale. :) Zdaj pa kar na najpomembnejšo stvar ;)... in Miklavž je to jutro prinesel listke s tremi imeni. Nagrade pa prejmejo:
1. Darinka
2. Lea
3. Nija
Vsem nagrajenkam iskreno čestitam za prejete nagradice, prosim sporočite na mail info@voscila.com vaše podatke, da vam lahko prijazna Marina iz Maveluja pošlje vaše paketke. :) Vse ostale pa seveda vabim, da nas pridno spremljate in se nam pridružite tudi naslednjič. :)
En čudovit dan želim vsem! Pozdravček
nedelja, 2. december 2012
Holiday wreath
Po spet dolgem času (zadnje čase sem zasuta z delom za naročila), spet objavljam eno voščilnico, ki je nastala po navdihu izziva, in sicer tokrat "The Shabby Tea Room challenge Week #142", kjer naj bi uporabili zgolj nevtralne barve. Izdelala sem tole novoletno voščilnico knjigo.
After a long time (lately I am mostly dealing with completing the orders) I am finaly again publishing a card that I made after the inspiration from the challenge, this time "The Shabby Tea Room - Week #142" for which we were limited to use only neutrals. I made this holiday book card.
Tale venček sem izdelala sama in mi je vzel ogromno časa. Iz papirja sem izrezala tri obročke, ki sem jih s 3d blazinicami pritrdila enega na drugega, nato ovolia z rjavo travo in čez še s svetlečimi laski. Dodala sem srce, ki sem ga posula z belimi bleščicami in nanj metuljčka z rjavimi bleščicami. Na venček pa sem dodala nekaj raznobarvnih perlic in nekaj kristalov Swarowski.
This wreath took me some time to get it finished. I cut out three rings from a white cardstock and tape them together with 3D foam tapes. I then wrapped them with some kraft braun grass and with some sparkling threads. I added a heart which I covered with white glitter and a butterfly which I covered with brown glitter. I added some pearls and some Swarowski rhinestones on the wreath.
Upam, da vam je všeč. Želim vam en čudovit preostanek nedelje in pojdite se malo zabavat na snegec. :)
Hope you like it. I wish you a beautiful and peaceful sunday evening and go get some snow fun. :)
sobota, 17. november 2012
Roses for the Birthday and Mavelu Blog hop with PDCC158 colors
Pripravite se na dooooolgo objavo z veliiiikooo slikami. :) Mogoče bi šle najprej po kavico ali sok ali kaj drugega in šele potem začele prebirati. :) Torej naj najprej povem, da sem vesela in ponosna, da sem del prvega slovenskega Blog hopa. Ja, prav ste prebrale! V naslednjih dneh boste lahko skakljale od ene do druge slovenske ustvarjalke in sodelovale v izzivih in kar je še boljše, prislužile si boste lahko čudovite nagradice. Organizatorka in sponzorka Blog hopa je namreč Marina iz najboljše slovenske spletne ustvarjalne trgovinice Mavelu, v kateri najdete čisto vse, kar si vaše srce poželi. :)
Prepare yourself for loooooooong blog post heavy with pictures. :) Maybe you should first take some time to treat yourself to a nice cup of coffee or something. :) So, first things first. I am so happy and honoured to be a part of the very first Slovenian Blog hop. Ja, you heard me right! In the next few days you will be hopping with us arround the blogs of Slovenian crafters, joining some interesting challenges. And even better, there will be some prizes to give away that were kindly offered from Marina from the best Slovenian online crafting shop Mavelu.
Vas zanima kaj sem pripravila za Blog hop in svojo prvo objavo kot del Mavelu ustvarjalnega tima? Zares obsežno kolekcijo voščilnice in nakita. Vse kar potrebuje prava dama, če želi izgledati čudovito. ;)
Prepared to take a look what I have today here for you as my very first post as a part of the Mavelu design team? A really big collection of card and jewelry. Everything that lady needs to look gorgeous! ;)
Uporabila sem dve štampiljki s slovenskimi napisi iz trgovinice Mavelu, in sicer iz seta Rojstni dan - set1. Na voščilnici napis "Naj bo tvoj rojstni dan poln iskric in nasmehov" in na darilni škatlici napis "Naj bo vsak trenutek razlog za nasmeh". Iz Marinine trgovinice so tudi papirji "BoBunny - Little Miss" in čudovit urni mehanizem v obliki rožice. Za inspiracijo pa mi je služila tudi tokratna barvna paleta na izzivu "The Play Date Cafe PDCC158".
I used two stamps with Slovenian sentiments from the Birthday set n.1. The sentiment "May your birthday be filled with sparkles and smiles" on the card and the sentiment "Make each moment the opportunity to smile" on the gift box. I also used some "BoBunny Little Miss" papers and a watch in a shape of the flower, both from Mavelu shop. I took the inspiration from this week's challenge over at "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC158".
Zdaj pa te vabim, da se tudi ti pridružiš našemu skakljanju in pripraviš izdelke za izzive posameznih ustvarjalk. Mojemu se lahko pridružiš, če izdelaš nekaj, kar bo vsebovalo rožice. Ostalo prepuščam tvoji domišljiji. Izdelek objavi na svojem blogu, povezavo do izdelka pa dodajte spodaj, na koncu te objave. Ob koncu Blog hopa bom izžrebala 3 nagrajenke, ki bodo prejele eno od spodnjih štampiljk s slovenskim napisom iz trgovinice Mavelu. Čudovito kajne?
And now I invite you to join us and hop with us over at the challenges of the design team. You can join mine by preparing something inspired by flowers. Let your imagination flow! Publish your creation on your blog and enter your submission at the end of this post. Three lucky winners will each receive one stamp with Slovene sentiment, showed bellow. How fabulous is this?!
Vabim pa te tudi, da obiščeš Mavelu blog in Tinin blog Kreativne iskrice, kjer sta izziva že v polnem teku, in sodeluješ tudi tam ter tako še povečaš svoje možnosti za nagrado. Ne pozabi jutri obiskati tudi Simoninega bloga Papiart, kjer se izziv nadaljuje.
I would also like to invite you to join the challenge over at Mavelu blog and over at Tina's blog Kreativne iskrice and tommorow there will be one more design team member joining the hop - Simona from Papiart.
In za konec še... vse najboljše naši dragi Marini, ki prav danes praznuje svoj rojstni dan! Obilo ustvarjalnih trenutkov in čim bolj uspešno s trgovinico Mavelu!
And last but not least :) Happy birthday to our dear Marina who is celebrating today her Birthday! I wish you a lot of creativ moments and all the best with your shop Mavelu!
Veliko čudovitih ustvarjalnih trenutkov ti želim in seveda čim več sreče pri žrebu!
I wish you a lot of inspiration and good ideas and of course all the best with the draw.
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petek, 2. november 2012
Pridih jeseni - An autumn Breeze
Uf... ne morem verjeti... koliko časa je že minilo od moje zadnje objave. Ne, da bi želela blog zanemarjati, a je le bilo toliko enih obveznosti in dogajanja, da je dogajanje tukaj malo obstalo. Tokrat pa se po dolgem času oglašam z eno jesensko kreacijo, za katero je bil navdih tokratni izziv na blogu "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC156". Nastala pa je nova kolekcija uhančkov in voščilnice:
Uf... I can not believe that it has been such a long time since I last posted on my blog. It is not that I would like to neglect it, but there has been so many obligations, orders and other things in my life that this stood still. Today I am here to show you my last creation that was inspired by the latest "The Play Date Cafe Challenge PDCC156". And here is my new collection of earings and a matching card:
Upam, da vam je kompletek všeč, lepo pa bo, po dolgem času, spet brati vaše komentarje. :) Uživajte v večeru in vikendu, ki je pred nami!
Hope you like it and it will be great reading your sweet comments again after such a long time. :) Enjoy the evening and the weekeend to come!
nedelja, 30. september 2012
Sanje male miške - Dreams of a little mouse
Zadnje čase so moje objave res bolj kratke. Navadno izzive ujamem v zadnjem trenutku in tako je tudi tokrat. Tale voščilnica je nastala za Marinin izziv na Mavelu.com, katerega tema je "Začetek novega šolskega leta". Se še spominjate kako smo včasih radi delali aviončke in ladjice, ko nam je bilo dolgčas? ;) No ja... fantje so bili še posebej "pridni" in so včasih zanje uporabili kar papir iz svojih zvezkov. Nikoli mi sicer ni bilo jasno, kako so se potem naučili snov, ampak navadno so kar se. :) Dodala sem še papir s pisavo "Out of print" iz Marinine trgovinice, za piko na i pa sem iz skrčljive folije naredila gumbek, ki sem ga z decoupage lepilom oblekla v isto kolekcijo papirja. V notranjost sem dodala lep verz in zgornji rob naluknjala da izgleda, kot bi bil strgan iz beležnice.
Lately my post are a little bit shorter. I usually manage to catch the challenges only before they ran out and it was the same this time. This card was made for the challenge over at "Mavelu.com" for which the theme was "The beginning of a new school year". Remember how we were making little plains and boats from the paper, when we were bored during the classes. Boys were better at this and they sometimes even used the pages from their books and notepads. I added a text printed patterned paper "Out of print" from Marina's e-shop and I embellished the card with a small button which I made from Shrink Plastic and covered it with the paper from the same collection with decoupage glue. In the inside I added a beautiful sentiment and puched the edge so it looks like it was thorn out of a notebook.
Hvala, ker ste pokukali še malo k meni. Lep večer želim vsem. :)
Thanks for stopping by my blog. I wish you all a peacefull evening. :)
sobota, 29. september 2012
Ljubezen in toplina - "Love and warmth"
Pozdravček vsem. Tale objava bo malce krajša, saj mi kronično primanjkuje časa. Moje zaloge voščilnic knjig so pošle, zato je čas, da se lotim nekaj novih. Tale je poročna, inspiracija pa je bil tokratni "The Shabby Tea Room - Week #133: The White Challenge". Tole pa je moj izdelek:
Hello to all of the bloggers. This post will be a little shorter, since I lately really lack of the time. All of the book cards are gone, so it was a time to make some new ones. This one is a wedding card and the inspiration came from this week's "The Shabby Tea Room Challenge - Week #133: The White Challenge". And this is the card I made. The sentiment is in Slovene language and I designed it by myself and printed it out. It says: "May your marriage be filled with love and your home filled with warmth.
Želim vam vsem en čudovit vikend!Uživajte!
I wish to all of you a great weekeend ahead! Enjoy!
četrtek, 13. september 2012
O Christmas Tree, O Christmas Tree ...
Danes je tak hecen dan z deževnim vremenom in kakšno slabo novico sem in tja. :) Moram ga malo popestriti s kakšno objavo. Tokratna voščilnica je nastala za "JustRite Friday challenge #081 - Charm Me", kjer je na voščilnici potrebno dodati "okrasek". Jaz sem jih dodala kar nekaj. Izdelala sem jih s setom štampiljk "JustRite Original - Christmas Ornament" in s skrčljivo folijo. Drevesce sem posula z mešanico "Pine" in "Sage" Flower softa. Nastala je tako letos moja prva novoletna voščilnica.
Hello. Today is one "funny" day with a rainy weather and a few not so good news for me. So I had to color it a bit sharing a card or two. Today's card was made for this week's "JustRite Friday Challenge #081 - Charm Me", where the challenge is to add a charm on our creation. I used several, which I made with stamp set "JustRite Original - Christmas Ornament" and some shrink plastic. I decorated the tree with some "Pine" and "Sage" Flower Soft. This is also my first Christmas card this year.
Vesela bom kakšnega komentarja ali dveh. :)Uživajte v dnevu, čeprav deževnem.
I will be happy of a comment or two. :) Enjoy the day, although the rainy one.
sreda, 12. september 2012
Family - A circle of Strength and Love
Prijazen jutranji pozdravček vsem. Ena kratka objavica, predno se odpravim na telovadbo in nato na fizioterapijo s hčerkico. Pred časom me je soustvarjalka Karen Letchworth prijazno povabila, da se jim pridružim na ustvarjalnem izzivu bloga "Word Art Wednesday - challenges inspired by God's Word" in z veseljem objavljam svoj prispevek k izzivu št.44, katerega tema je LJUBEZEN. Izbrala sem ta čudoviti verz, ki ga imam že nekaj časa shranjenega za primerno priložnost in ga oblikovala ter natisnila. Uporabila sem barve tokratnega "CR84FN62 Color Challengea". Nastala pa je tale voščilnica:
Nice and warm morning Hello to all. One quick post for today before I ran off to do some workout and a physioterapy with my daughter. Some time ago my fellow blogger Karen Letchworth kindly invited me to join the challenges over at "Word Art Wednesday - challenges inspired by God's Word" and I am happy to be posting my addition to the challenge #44, for which the theme is LOVE. I chose a sentiment that I had saved on my computer for a while, waiting for the right opportunity. I designed it in the Word and printed it out. I used colors from this week's "CR84FN62 Color Challenge". And this is the card that I made:
Upam, da vam je všeč. Kaj več pa ob naslednji priložnosti. Prijazen in blagoslovljen dan želim vsem.
I hope you like it. I will share more with you next time. Have a nice and blessed day!
sreda, 5. september 2012
"Violettes for Birthday" Book card
Lep pozdravček vsem! :) Kot sem obljubila se vračam z drugo objavo za tokratni "JustRite Friday Challenge #080 - More than one fold". Prvo sem objavila mojo Accordion voščilnico, ki sem si jo že nekaj časa želela preizkusiti pa nikoli nisem našla časa in priložnosti. Danes pa bi vam rada pokazala voščilnico knjigo. Rada in pogosto izdelujem to vrsto voščilnic, saj so idealne za drobna darilca ali za denarna darilca. Danes sem izdelala Rojstnodnevno voščilnico knjigo:
Hello blogers. :) As promised I am back with the second card for this week's "JustRite Friday Challenge #080 - More than one fold". First up was my accordion card that I wished to make for a long time but never found time or opportunity for it. Today I want to show you my Book card. I love Book cards. I am making them often, they are ideal for small presents or for money presents. Today I made a Birthday Book card:
Uporabila sem štampiljke "JustRite Cling - Violette Vintage Labels" in "JustRite Original - Plant a little Love Borders & Centers". Papirji so "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cottage Garden" in "Hot off the Press inc. Paper Pizazz Sheets - Mixing Soft Patterned Papers", uporabila pa sem tudi bel svilen papir s pobleščičenimi rožicami za platnice. Odtisi so pobarvani z akvarelnimi barvicami in vodnim čopičem. Rožica je iz kolekcije "Prima Vintage Flowers".
I've used stamps from "JustRite Cling - Violette Vintage Labels" and "JustRite Original - Plant a little Love Borders & Centers". Papers are "First Edition Papers - Boho Chic", "K&Company - Tim Coffey Cottage Garden" and "Hot off the Press inc. Paper Pizazz Sheets - Mixing Soft Patterned Papers". I've also used some silk paper with silver flowers for the bookcovers. Stamped images are colored with aquarell pencils and waterbrush. The big flower is from the "Prima Vintage Flowers" collection.
Tole pa je fotografija, ki sem jo uporabila za barvno inspiracijo. Sem pa dodala nekaj zelene.
And this is the my color inspiration photo. I did add some green though.
Upam, da vam je všeč. Vau... moj prvi JustRite izziv s kar dvema objavama. :) Vesela bom vaših komentarjev. Uživajte v dnevu!
Hope you like it... wooow... my first JustRite challenge with two entries. :) I am looking forward to your comments. They really do make me happy! :) Enjoy the day!
torek, 4. september 2012
Purple Birthday Roses
Dolgo se že nisem pridružila izzivu na blogu "The Play Date Cafe", zato sem resnično želela izkoristiti tokratno priložnost. Ko sem videla barvno kombinacijo tokratnega "The Play Date Cafe PDCC#147", sem sicer malo podvomila, da bom ustvarila kaj objavi primernega. Kljub temu sem se lotila dela in moram priznati, da me je rezultat pozitivno presenetil. Izbrane barve so naravnost super in vsekakor jih bom še kdaj poizkusila. Tokrat sem izdelala kolekcijo voščilnice in uhančkov, ki je že dolgo nisem, le da je bil tokrat vrstni red obraten - navadno nastane najprej voščilnica, tokrat pa so nastali najprej uhančki in nato jim je sledila še voščilnica. Upam, da vam bo moj izdelek všeč. :)
It has been a while since I last entered my card into "The Play Date Cafe Challenge" so I really felt it was the time to do it. When I saw the color combination of this week's "The Play Date Cafe PDCC147" I doubted that I will be able to create something worth posting. When I got to work I was pleasently surprised. The selected color combination is gorgeous! I will be definately using it again some time in the future. This time I've made a collection of a card and an earings, which I haven't now for a while, but this time I changed the order - usually I create first the card, but now I first created the earings and then the card followed. Hope you'll like my project. :)
Uporabila sem štampiljko "JustRite - Shabby Chic Labels Four" in papirje "Bo Bunny". Vesela bom vaših komentarjev. Vrnem pa se danes še z eno objavo. Lep večer želim vsem!
I've used "JustRite - Shabby Chic Labels Four" stamps and some leftovers from "Bo Bunny" papers. I hope you like it. I will be more than happy to read your comments. I'll be back today with another post. Until then I wish you a nice evening!
sobota, 1. september 2012
Accordion card "Something is in the air"
Za tokratni "JustRite Friday Challenge "080" je bil izziv ustvariti voščilnico z več kot enim prepogibom. Navadno ne maram ustvarjati voščilnic z več prepogibi, z izjemo dveh. Danes želim pokazati accordion voščilnico, ki sem jo izdelala. Navodila za izdelavo sem na spletni strani splitcoaststampers zasledila že dolgo nazaj in jih imela shranjene za pravo priložnost, ki pa je prišla šele sedaj. :) Tako je to moja prva accordion voščilnica, a gotovo ne zadnja, saj sem z njo kar zadovoljna. Zadnja stran je žepek v katerega lahko pospravimo denarno darilce, saj je poročna voščilnica. Izdelala pa sem tudi škatlico, v katero se voščilnica pospravi.
For this week's "JustRite Friday Challenge #080" we were to create a card with more than one fold. Generally I don't like making cards with too many folds. With the exception of two. Today I want to show you an accordion card that I made. I saw a tutorial allready a while back on the splitcoaststampers and had it saved for the occasion, but only now had the time and motivation to do it. So this is my first accordion card and I have to say I am quite satisfied with it. The last page of it has a small pocket (behind the butterfly) in which you can put money gift, since it is a wedding card. I also made a matching box to give a card away.
Za izdelavo sem uporabila papirje "Graphic 45 - Baby 2 Bride Collection", štampiljke "JustRite - Botanical Butterflies" in šablone "Spellbinders Eyelet Squares". Pesmica je od "Toneta Pavčka - Nekaj je v zraku".
I used papers from "Graphic 45 - Baby 2 Bride Collection", stamps "JustRite - Botanical Butterflies" and "Spellbinders Eyelet Squares". The song of which verses I used is from a famous Slovenian poet "Tone Pavček - Nekaj je v zraku", who died not long ago. The verses that I used go something like this: "Something is in the air - something beautiful, something soft, something passing by. Something is in the air. /.../ Something is in the air. Like a scent of flowers. Like a light of fireflies, iluminating in the dark. /.../ It is the love. Her breath and sigh." I hope I translated it OK. It is not easy... :) (blush)
Mislim, da sem za danes zaključila z objavami. Upam, da bo uspela pripraviti še drugo od voščilnic z več zgibi, ki so mi pri srcu. :) Lepo se imejte!
I think this is it with posts for today. Hopefully I will manage to make and post the second of cards with multifolds that I like. :) Have fun and enjoy the day!
Latice Birthday
Po včerajšnji voščilnici s kvadratki, ki je izzvenela precej moško, sem seveda morala izdelati še različico za nežnejši spol. Tokrat sem uporabila barve tokratnega "Colorthrowdown #207", postavitev pa je ostala enaka.
After yesterday post of a man's birthday card with squares I had to challenge myself and make another one for the ladies. :) This time I used the colors from this week's "Colorthrowdown #207", and the sketch remains the same.
Vse ostale podrobnosti o izdelavi se nahajajo v prejšnji objavi, zato je ne pozabite preleteti! :) Uživajte v dnevu, čeprav je deževen. :)
Everything else can be found in my previous post, so be shure to scroll down! :) Have a nice day, although it's rainy!
petek, 31. avgust 2012
Birthday Squares
Trenutno imam za dokončati naročilo nekaj voščilnic za 50. rojstni dan in nekaj za poroko. Še posebej pri takih naročilih, je inspiracija vedno dobrodošla. Tokrat sem skušala ustvariti moško voščilnico. Te so še posebej zahtevne. Včasih me kakšne ustvarjalke oziroma njihove stvaritve neverjetno navdahnejo. Tako sem po inspiraciji nadarjene Pamele in njene objave na blogu "Miao - a design blog" ustvarila tudi ozadje za tole voščilnico. Barvna inspiracija je s tokratnega "ColourQ Challengea #152", postavitev pa s tokratnih "Retrosketches #26".
I am finishing an order of a few cards for a 50th birthday and a few ones for the wedding day. Specially with such orders any inspiration is more than welcome. This time I tried to finish a male birthday card, which are not easy to make at all. Somethimes some of the crafters and their work inspire me amazingly. So when I visited Pamela's blog over at "Miao - a design blog" and saw her amazingly stunning creation I was inspired to create this beautiful background for my card. The color inspiration comes from this week's "ColourQ Challenge #152" and the sketch from this week's "Retrosketches #26".
Polepila sem robove in vmesne linije in kvadratke pobarvala z distress črnili. Odtsranila sem trak, prerezala po dolžini na dva dela, vsakega posebej pritrdila na kraft karton in nato s tanko vmesno linijo na osnovo voščilnice. Izrezala sem poseben oval s "Spellbinders Labels Eighteen", vendar ne do roba, tako da sem dobila "mini voščilnico". Slednji sem robove osenčila z distress črnilom in jih zluknjala. Na zunanjost sem dodala številko 50, ki sem jo prekrila z washi trakom. V notranjost pa "Happy Birthday". Za zalepit mini voščilnico sem dodala trak na ježka, na zunanjosti pa gumbek in okrasni trak z drobnimi ptički, ki sem ga dodala tudi v notranjost voščilnice.
I taped the edges and the lines between the squares and then colored them with distress inks. I removed the tape, cut the cardstock in two pieces, adhered them to kraft cardstock and then both of them, with a small line between them on the base of the card. I cut out the specialy shaped oval with "Spellbinders Labels Eighteen", but didn't cut it right to the edge, so that I got another "small card". I distressed and pierced the edges. On the front I made a number 50 which I covered with washi tape and in the inside circle with a sentiment "Happy Birthday". I added a special velcro adhesive and a button on the front. I also added some ribbon with little birdies to open the "mini card", which I repeated in the inside of the card.
Uživajte v vikendu!
Enjoy the wekeend!
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