ponedeljek, 30. januar 2012
"A Thank you Note" in CASE Study Challenge #75
Lep pozdravček vsem,
Ker sem imela že od samega začetka dve ideji za voščilnico za tokratni "CASE Study Challenge #75" in se nikakor nisem mogla odločiti katera mi je ljubša, sem se odločila izdelati še drugo. Še dobro, da so voščilnice preproste in hitro narejene. :)
Since I had two good ideas for the cards for this weeks "CASE Study Challenge #75" right from the beginning and I just couldn't decide which one to give a shot, I decided to make another one too. Good thing is that they are simple and quickly made. :)
Ponovno preprosta voščilnica, nota je brezplačni clipart, notno črtovje sem ustvarila z nitmi za vezenje v dveh odtenkih zelene, sivem in dveh odtenkih modre. Napis sem skreirala sama. Uživajte do naslednje objavice. :)
Again a clean and simple card, the music note is a free clipart, musical lines are made with twine in two shades of green, grey and two shades of blue. I made a sentiment by myself. Have fun and see you with the next post. :)
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Preprosta, a krasna.
OdgovoriIzbrišiTudi ti uživaj!
Hm, kje pobiraš ideje, super so.
OdgovoriIzbrišiI think i like this one even better-great job!
OdgovoriIzbrišiluv the music note and the tiny twine strips......thanks for joining us at CASE Study, have a fabby day!
OdgovoriIzbrišienjoy *~*